Social Creative Workshops

The heart beat of a Social Creative Workshop is to bring women together 

It is a way to collaborate with different creatives by hosting workshops with the sole purpose of bringing women together to be Social and Creative.   Always good drink and good food.  Always good teaching and learning.  Always good conversation while creating.
Always a good time.

Come be Social Creative with us!  Follow along on Instagram and Facebook: #wearesocialcreative.
Click here for more details.

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Be social.  be creative.

We are all creative and produce beauty with our hands.  Join us to participate and witness self described "not creative people" design and create amazing things while investing in relationships familiar and new.    Let's try something new together.


  • Watercolor & Brush Hand-lettering
  • Floral Watercolor & Monogram
  • Floral Design 101
  • Exquisite & Lush Floral Design
  • New Classes being added everyday